Toothache is a common issue that can range from mild to severe in terms of intensity and can be caused by a variety of factors. It can cause considerable pain and discomfort and affect our daily lives. This article aims to delve into the causes of toothache and the different types of pain it can cause. If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain in your tooth, this article can help you identify “why does my jaw hurt” and provide common causes of jaw pain.
Jaw Discomfort
Jaw hurt is a prevalent problem that affects millions of people in the United States. It can be aching, stiffness, or soreness in the jawbone or the area surrounding the ears. Jaw pain might be slight or severe, affecting your quality of life. It can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including teeth grinding, gum disease, or toothache. However, jaw pain can be a sign of a more serious problem, such as a fractured or dislocated jaw or a heart attack.
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Common Causes of Jaw Pain?
The most common cause of jaw hurt is an anomaly or injury to the jaw joint, although other possibilities exist. The following are some of the causes of jaw pain:
Dental Problem
Possible causes of jaw pain include (1) a cavity, (2) a fractured tooth, (3) an infection, and (4) gum disease. If you suspect that a dental issue is the cause of your aching mandible, don’t forget to schedule an appointment with your dentist.
Sinus discomfort and pressure often masquerade as jaw pain. If your jaw pain is accompanied by (1) dizziness, (2) post-nasal discharge, and (3) forehead pressure, you may have a sinus problem. Your physician can determine if a sinus problem causes your mandible pain.
Migraines and cluster headaches are the most common causes of a painful mandible. In the case of a migraine, blood vessels and nerves collaborate to produce excruciating pain. If the jaw pain subsides as the problem improves, it could be caused by a migraine. Consult your physician if severe migraines persist.
Do you feel stressed by the demands of work and daily life? One subtle sign of this stress is a tense jaw, which can lead to teeth grinding and jaw clenching that can ultimately cause discomfort in your mouth.
TMJ is one of the most prevalent causes of jaw discomfort. This joint is responsible for connecting the lower mandible to the skull. There are numerous reasons why TMJ can cause sharp pain when opening the mouth. Examples of symptoms include:
- The jaw is tender.
- Chewing is painful.
- The jaw not opening easily
- When opening the jaw, there is a clicking sound.
- Pain in the area around the ears
Heart Attack
A heart attack can also cause discomfort in the limbs, back, neck, and jaw, in addition to the chest. During a heart attack, the left side of the face may be particularly painful for women’s jaws. If you experience the following symptoms, dial 911 immediately and ask to be taken to the hospital. If you experience chest discomfort, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, or feeling faint, seek medical attention immediately.
How To Prevent Jaw Pain
You can avoid jaw pain by doing the following:
- Keeping your jaw safe- Wear a seatbelt when driving or riding in a car. Wear protective headgear if you participate in contact sports where someone or something could hit your jaw very hard.
- Take care of your teeth- Make sure to maintain good dental hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly and schedule regular dental check-ups.
- Managing your stress- Grinding your teeth may cause jaw pain.
Finally, the next time you wonder, “Why does my jaw hurt?” consider the following causes. Relax and keep in mind that you don’t have to suffer from chronic mandible pain. Dentists are skilled at diagnosing and resolving all types of jaw-related problems.
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