Potty training is an important part of caring for a puppy but it can be challenging. But don’t worry; if you take the proper steps and have some patience, you’ll have your puppy trained to go to the bathroom outside in no time. This guide will give you the basic tips and tricks to start your puppy becoming a pro at going to the bathroom outside. So let’s learn how to teach your puppy to go potty outside.
When to Begin Puppy Potty Training
Once you know how to train a puppy to go to the bathroom outside, the next question is, “when?” Between 12 and 16 weeks is the best time to start house training a puppy. Most puppies can control their bladders and bowels well enough to be potty trained by this age.
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Start teaching your puppy where to go to the bathroom when you get home. Take him outside to the spot where you want him to use the bathroom. Let him sniff around and get used to the area. When he goes to the bathroom in that spot, give him lots of praise right away.
How Should I Potty Train a Puppy
Potty training a puppy can be challenging, but with patience and consistency, it can be done successfully. Here are some tips on how to potty train a puppy:
Establish a Routine
Puppies thrive on routine, so it’s essential to establish a daily routine. Create a schedule for feeding, playing, and potty breaks. Stick to this routine every day, and your puppy will quickly learn what to expect.
Choose a Designated Potty Area
Choose a specific area where you want your puppy to go potty. Take them to this area consistently, and they will learn to associate that spot with going to the bathroom. Praise and reward your puppy every time they go potty in the designated area. Use treats or verbal praise to reinforce the behavior you want to see.
Watch for Signs
Watch your puppy for signs they need to go potty. These signs may include sniffing around, circling, or whining. Take them to the designated potty area when you notice these signals.
Consistency is Key
Consistency is crucial when potty training your puppy. Stick to your routine, and be patient. It may take a few weeks or even months for your puppy to understand what is expected of them fully.
Be Patient
Potty training a puppy takes time, so be patient. Stay calm if your puppy has accidents or isn’t catching on. With consistent training and positive reinforcement, your puppy will eventually learn.
Clean Up Accidents Properly
If your puppy poops in the house, clean it up thoroughly. Use an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate any smells that might make your puppy want to return to the same spot.
Don’t Punish Your Puppy
Never punish your puppy for having accidents. Punishment can create fear and anxiety in your puppy, making potty training even more challenging.
How Often Should a Dog Go Potty?
Based on the above, you should take your adult dog out for a bathroom break at least three to five times a day, with a maximum gap of six to eight hours between trips.
Dogs hate citrus odors. Citrus is a great dog repellant since it irritates their noses. Keep your dog out of citrus-scented rooms like the kitchen or bathroom.
Potty training a puppy takes patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. With these tips, you can successfully potty train a puppy and enjoy a healthy relationship with your furry friend. Follow RenWatt for more!
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